Our electric Fabric Cutter can cut single and multi-layer fabrics. Cutting denim, canvas, non-woven, cotton and other material types
aol electric Fabric Cutting machine can zip through up to a 1.5 inch stack of fabric, making it an incredibly versatile and powerful machine. Because it sits on small guide wheels beneath the base, it is perhaps our easiest cutting machine to operate without fatigue.
If you are looking to buy blades or spare parts for your Electric Fabric
round blade Cutter or you just need to have it serviced or repaired we can help. Lighting Electric Fabric Cutters have been a part of our range for many years. They are tough and reliable, when you do require spare parts including blades, gears and accessories look no further. We try to keep a complete range of spare parts, we also keep new electric lightning fabric cutters so if you don’t see your model or the parts you require please contact us.

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