With AOL velvet cutting equipment, you can quickly and easily cut a variety of textiles to size. Materials can be also be given a high-quality finish with a tactile effect.

AOL Velvet Cutting Equipmentis using a single cutting knife. The velvet cutting equipment is delivered single or double for the simultaneous and indipendent process of one or two fabric rolls.
AOL Velvet cutting equipment used to be reserved for haute couture designs. But as consumers began lusting for the technique, and the technology was made more readily available to manufacturers.

Some AOL manufacturers also have some laser cloth cutting machines. The laser is slower to cut than the blade cutter, and it is very environmentally friendly. The material to be cut will be anxious and will produce odor. Therefore, it is recommended by the manufacturer. Vibrating blade cutting machine, please contact our online staff if you have other needs.
Therefore, recommended by the manufacturer. Vibrating blade cutting machine, if you have other requirements, please contact our online staff.
Aol CNC is your best choice!More cheap high quality cutting machine waiting for you https://www.aollaser.net/
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