What is Die cutting machine for a carton box?
Digital die-cutting works without the use of a metal-cast die to create anything from packaging, signage, invitations, envelopes, trade show exhibits, vinyl cut letters, and more. Unlike traditional die cutting, our digital die cutting services provide enormous flexibility, flawless cutting technology, low production costs, and a large variety of substrate choices. Whether you’re interested in die cut on demand, die cut singles, or a couple thousand pieces, digital die cutting allows you to express your most creative concepts in an individualized, yet cost-effective, manner.
How does it work?
You may provide your own design, or we would be happy to help you realize your creative vision. Designs are then layered and labeled for routing, kiss cutting, creasing, perforating, and more. With hundreds of blades and bits to choose from, the right tool is available for your job. Our AOL die cutters run twenty-four hours per day, so we can meet your cutting needs while delivering the high quality and productivity you expect.

Aol CNC is your best choice!More cheap high quality cutting machine waiting for you https://www.aollaser.net/
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