In furniture manufacturing, many companies use a just-in-time or made-to-order approach, so flexibility, reliability, and productivity are critical. AOL’s CNC fabric cutting machine has been specially designed to provide high throughput and maximum uptime which are key to this approach while ensuring the right level of quality.
Automatic knife re-sharpening eliminates hanging threads ensuring quality cut parts from top to bottom ply. Automatic knife oil lubrication keypad. User friendly controls many machine functions at the cutter. Sorting conveyor with clearing zone approx. 1625mm in length.
Comparing laser, The best part of CNC knife cutting machine is that it is extremely versatile. It will work on just about any material—from light papers and foams to acrylics and aluminum composite materials—and will perform most functions that any sign and display shop would ever need. This includes not only milling and routing, cutting, partial cutting but also V-cutting, creasing. Because CNC knife cutting machine is with kiss cutting knife, electric oscillating knife, tangential knife, creasing wheel, even V- notch cutter and pen.

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